Education First Travelmoji II Emoji Keyboard
After the Travelmoji app version 1.0 becoming a big success inside the Education First community. This “free emoji keyboard for world travelers” continued as an expansion of the already existing app.
The challenge now was to add additional new emojis to the ever growing library and focus on travel-themed content while maintaining the original style created in 2015.
The visual style of the app was fresh and new to appeal to the target group of international students age 14-19 and themselves obsessed with being cool and always the first ones using new and exciting emoticons.
Client: Education First
Download the app for iOS or Android.

While designing the emojis it was crucial to think about every detail. The illustrations should become characters themselves, rather than being just icons. Although working on a very tiny scale, each one of them should communicate a specific mood or personality which made every small quirk and detail so important. For example, we could have a happy, sad or surprised umbrella or taxi. Boots should be giving us an emotion in addition to just saying ‘boots’ as each one of the emojis should be unique and tell it’s own story.

Animation and Motion

App Development